Este proyecto pretende impulsar el debate y promover la sensibilización entre los ayuntamientos, empresas, startups, emprendedores, periodistas y sociedad en general sobre la prioridad política clave de la UE dirigida a reforzar el liderazgo mundial de Europa en la política sobre cambio climático a través de la unión de la energía y apoyo a la reindustrialización de Europa, a través de políticas energéticas innovadora y el desarrollo de modelos de negocio sostenibles.






  • Contribute to raising awareness at societal level on how the EU is leading the fight against climate change, highlighting how specific EU policies and programmes in general, and in particular the tools that exist at the national level contribute to the achievement this objective.
  • Raise awareness and promote, through four conferences, the participation of municipalities in projects that encourage and promote the transformation of their territories into smart spaces where citizens and visitors can be the protagonists, becoming aware of the possibility of interacting with their environment, while optimizing their resources and contributing to improve the energy efficiency of its cities.
  • To promote the development of new sustainable business models that contribute to the reindustrialisation of Europe with new eco-efficient companies that incorporate eco-innovative strategies.
  • Ensure that theregional media staff dealing with issues related to climate change, energy efficiency, renewable energies and reindustrialization of the European Union, are fully aware of the related policies that the European Union itself has and is developing.
  • To ensure a debate between all the key stakeholders groups involved in this project thatwill facilitate the generation of proposals that can be submitted to the competent bodies of the European Union for consideration.