The European Center for Business and Innovation of Murcia (CEEIM) is a non-profit organization whose mission is:
Continuous improvement
Collaborative spirit.
CEEIM as an international benchmark of good practices in terms of entrepreneurship and innovative and technology-based companies.
Involved in the development of our Region
CEEIM, as an organisation of a foundational nature, has been created by the will of its founders, who have selflessly contributed, financed and developed the principles, values and mission that should guide the work of the centre.
A heterogeneous number of public bodies, financial entities and private companies operating in the main economic and business sectors of our Region have participated in the constitution of CEEIM. The aim is to enable interaction and enrich the contributions that each of these bodies will make in the performance of their functions as members of the centre’s governing or consultative bodies.
The Board of Trustees is the highest governing, representative and administrative body of the CEEIM Foundation. It is made up of 12 members, in the terms described in article 11 of the Statutes.
Its current composition is as follows:
It is the consultative body of the CEEIM Foundation for matters related to the development of its foundational aims and, at the same time, a channel for the participation of the regional agents most directly related to its activity. Its current composition is as follows:
A qualified team, led by its director, completes the organisational network that comprises CEEIM. Its components are located in a modern building on the Espinardo University Campus, where business project analysts, business consultants and innovation managers are based. The centre is made up of a board of trustees which brings together experts in the economic and business sectors, with a special focus on the Murcian market. Their experience is complemented by a qualified team of highly qualified advisors and technicians who, together, make up the centre’s organisation chart.