CEEIM promotes cooperation between new and consolidated entrepreneurs at European level

The European Business and Innovation Centre of Murcia re-engages the ‘Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs’ Program, which has enabled to generate more than 100 exchanges between entrepreneurs coming from the Region of Murcia and Europe.

 ‘Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs’ Program aims to develop the entrepreneurial skills of would-be European entrepreneurs through a stay in a consolidated company, where they will cooperate from one to six months. In this period, the new entrepreneur will learn how to successfully manage a small or medium-sized company in another European country, and will be able to share visions and business ideas with experienced entrepreneurs, who in turn will have the opportunity to access to new markets and establish more collaborative projects between both countries too.

‘Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs’ is not an internship program. This is a chance for real mutually beneficial work experience, where new entrepreneurs and the host one’s work hand in hand and could find new partners, explore different ways of doing business, promote international cooperation and, in the future, help to set up a great contacts network with other foreign enterprises.

The program gives the chance to new entrepreneurs and the host one´s to work hand in hand, promoting international cooperation.

The program is partially subsidized by the European Commission and already works in 37 EU countries. Besides, ‘Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs’ has no age limits for participants. If you are a new entrepreneur, you just need to have planned to create your own company through a Business Plan, or have built your business in the last three years.

Furthermore, host entrepreneurs may participate in the program if they have been at the forefront of a small or medium-sized enterprise and, most importantly, they must be determined to share their knowledge and experiences and play a mentor role with young entrepreneurs.

The application process is quick and convenient through an online tool where participants choose a local contact, a program management centre that will serve as contact and guidance to the participant throughout the whole process, and must be active in the country of residence of the entrepreneur.

CEEIM is one of the local contacts points, a program management centre that helps the enterprises that want to host new young entrepreneurs.

In the Region, program´s pioneer, two organisms are involved since 2009: the Fundación Universidad Empresa de la Región de Murcia (FUERM) manages young entrepreneurs who wish to go abroad, and the European Business and Innovation Centre in Murcia (CEEIM) both collaborate with enterprises that want to host new entrepreneurs from other countries.

The program has already had success stories in the Region, such as that of Gian Marco Morgacci, a young Italian entrepreneur who collaborated with Leverade, a sports competition management software company hosted at CEEIM. The established relationship between enterprise and entrepreneur helped Leverade to assist the recruitment of new customers in Italy and to develop its business.

Caso éxito Programa 'Erasmus para Jóvenes Emprendedores'

Gian Marco Morgacci, a young Italian entrepreneur who collaborated with Leverade, a company hosted in CEEIM.

Between 2017-2018, corresponding to the ninth cycle of the program, 30 new relations will be managed by new entrepreneurs and European businessmen in the Region of Murcia, which will allow for the creation of further synergies between the member countries and the production of new employment opportunities.