In this Minimarket, the 120 cooperatives and business projects launched through ‘Empresa Joven Europea’ (EJE) and ‘Emprender en Mi Escuela’ (EME) programs have presented their artisan products and have been shown to the customers. About 2.600 students exhibited and sold their artisan products in the eight-edition of the school ‘Minimarket Región de Murcia’. This jumble sale represents the end of the educational programs ‘Empresa Joven Europea’ (EJE) and ‘Emprender en Mi Escuela’ (EME), organized by different regional government institutions and where the European Business and Innovation Centre of Murcia and Cartagena (CEEIM and CEEIC) are actively involved in. As a novelty in this edition, held in the shopping centre Nueva Condomina in Murcia, 60 students conformed the ‘ECO patrols’, that encouraged recycling...